Desperate Times Call for Innovative Actions

People want those that will take it easy on them - those that will pet them, those that are not bold enough to tell them the truth. Sometimes in many cases most times, we need to hear that painful truth to make us uncomfortable and make us sit up.

When the house is on fire, you don't need someone that will give you a gentle touch to wake you up. When you are about to be hit by a car you don't need that person that will softly call on you to leave the road - what you need is that person that will push you out of the road (and if you fall in the process, you will rise again) but at least you have not been hit by the car.

The truth is the truth. It helps to know the truth and it doesn't have to be palatable always. Be truthful and if it hurts being truthful, change what you don't like. Desperate times call for innovative actions


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