Top 5 Success Rules I Learned From Gary Vaynerchuk

Let me start by introducing him. Gary Vaynerchuk is an Investor in Twitter, Snapchat, Uber and Venmo. A 4X New York Times Best Seller Author. He is the guy that told me that these:

You wanna know more about him, go buy his books – The Thank You Economy; Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook; #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness.

Hey, hey, hey. Can you see what I am seeing? Mehn, these titles –  they are just crazy. Mehn they lonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg. Anyway, let’s jump into the business for the day. Blahhhhhhh.

These are the Top 5 Success Rules I Learned From this Guy - Let's Go...

Rule 1: Have Passion Around Something.

When you have passion, your action and all your effort intentional or non-intentional will count and will push you towards what you are so passionate about. Passion is putting it, squeezing out the whole juice out of the orange until everything is out. Passion involves giving it your all. Passion is the energy that keeps you going even when no one cares.

It will show when you give it your all and people will only buy into only when you are ready to give it your all. It will show emotionally, psychologically, verbally. It will spring up and just click.

Rule 2: It’s the Best People That Win

You don’t become a winner because someone somewhere chooses you as the winner. Nobody picks the winner in the game, the players are the ones that pick the winner. You become the winner by winning. You become the winner by doing – doing enough. What do I mean? If you are good enough, you will win. If you are obsessed that people are ahead of you, then you are already a loser. People will always be ahead, but it is your sole duty and responsibility to catch with them.

Hey, can you see how Mark Zuckerberg is catching with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet at the top of the list in Forbes’ Ranking of the World’s Richest. That is how the game works. 

Rule 3: Stop Focusing on Dumb Sh*t.

Yea, you must have heard or read about this before. Focus!!! Yea, but not on dumb sh*t! 99% of the things around you don’t matter. When you blindly believe in your mission, the world’s noise gets really quiet and you can gently move on. 

Rule 4: Take Actions

I believe “everyone is born great and everyone can be but we just don’t want to”. WHY?!, you may ask. Why, because we are afraid to act – to take actions. We sit down and wished and fantasize and nothing happens. We are good at talking how we want something and we do nothing and nothing happens. Speak things into existence and go ahead and do something about them, then you will get result. 

Rule 5: Don’t Waste Your Life

Don't waste your life feeling sorry for yourself or anything. Apologize and move on! You are a human being, so don’t waste that opportunity given to you. No more dwelling in the past – how you failed, why you can’t do this or that cos of… Stop complaining and start completing the pieces of your life. Forget about the past failures, the story of how your parents weren’t there and how you gat no support. You are alive now then start living your life. The odd of you being or coming into life is 400trillion to 1. Yes, you had me right, so don’t waste life. 

Design your life now that you are in charge. You need to take life by the throat and execute it before life grabs your throat.

At the End of the Day, just...


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