The Power of a Woman

Sometimes being pushed to the back corner is unconscious. Sometimes you as a person unconsciously tell the pusher to do it without you knowing. I think it's time people rise up strong and stronger and better than how they have been seen and perceived. People should be able to resist certain ideologies that have been passed down to then from previous generations for reasons best known to those generations.

Parents, society and even other female folks most times build up mindsets towards women that aren't empowering to them, believes that don't encourage the female folks to dream big, to dream wild, to achieving their maximum potential and to live without limitations. Maybe because that is the "norm", maybe because in their generations they were never allowed to think like that and behave like that. Whatever the reason is, there isn't any justification that should stop a woman or a girl child from being who they are destined to be - they are made for Greatness.

I believe in the lives of the female folks and I believe enormously in what a woman can do. I believe in the strength and the power and energy and abilities a woman has and I'm a big believer in the power of a woman. I don't believe a woman should be judged - not by any means physique or otherwise. I don’t believe that the price for men should be bigger than that for women in competitions like footballs, basketballs, athletics, etc. While should the female that comes out first in 100m race be earning less than she male counterpart? While the difference? They both ran the 100m race! While should the winner of the female competition be getting lesser than their female counterpart in that same competition? I just believe in a level plane ground.

Whether you a man or a woman, child or an adult, we are have our roles to play in this wonderful world given to us and playing your role shouldn't stop me from playing mine. Rising to being what you want to be shouldn't stop others from doing likewise regardless of their gender, colours and races. 

I just want to profile some great women in the world that have impacted my life and perception of life. These are not the only “women in my life”, but I want to make do with these for now.

Mel Robbins

Mel Robbins
"You are one decision away from a completely different life"
"There will always be someone who can't see your worth. Don't let it be you"

These two quotes from her are Powerful. One thing I learn from her is stop procrastinating. I know her for the 5 Second Rule. 

At 41, she was able to transform her life. Mel Robbins is a life coach and a motivational speaker. If Mel Robbins can at age 41 transform her life, her marriage, become a better mom, launch her business, get in shape.

Jessica Matthews

Jessica O. Matthews
She is the founder and CEO of Uncharted Power. One thing I that moves me about her Talks is the Power, the Strength, the Conviction behind what she does.

She represents the strength of a woman. At the age of 19, Jessica invented the SOCCKET ball, an energy generating soccer ball that provides off-grid power for the developing world.

She is a woman with strong believe and I perceive that believe and ability to convince any idea to come to life every single time I hear her speak - she is filled with the momentum, energy, the life that makes things happens.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
She served two terms as Minister of Finance, Nigeria 2002 to 2006 and 2011 to 2015 under the presidency of President Olusegun Obasanjo and President Goodluck Jonathan respectively. She was the Managing Director of the World Bank (2007-2011). 

In July 2018, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, was named on the board of Twitter Inc. Nothing seems to be stopping her determination. 

There is one thing I like about this woman – it’s something I wonder about – I am yet to see her in non-traditional attires. She is so African in her dressing and I love it.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba
These are interesting quotes from her:

"My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing"
"Confidence is what you see around this lady. The way she carries herself and the strength of her smiles"

Jessica Alba is the founder and chairperson of The Honest Company.

She was raised as a Catholic throughout her teenage years, but left the church because she felt she was being judged for her appearance, explaining:

Older men would hit on me, and my youth pastor said it was because I was wearing provocative clothing, when I wasn't. It just made me feel like if I was in any way desirable to the opposite sex that it was my fault, and it made me ashamed of my body and being a woman.

Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg
I have always known her for the support gives to the female folks in the corporate world. She is currently the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook and the Founder of One of the most powerful women in the world of tech.

These two quotes by Sheryl Sandberg are powerful

“Being confident and believing in your own self-worth is necessary to achieving your potential”  
"Taking initiative pays off. It is hard to visualize someone as a leader if she is always waiting to be told what to do"

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey
She is an entrepreneur, a TV host and an impart-ER of lives globally. She has used her influence and positive vibes to touch the lives around her and the world at large.

She did not come from the best backgrounds. She was not born into who she is now. She has encountered a lot of pains and obstacles and disappointments and “failures” but those things never stopped her from becoming who she wants to be.

Fast forward many years now, she is one of the most influential human (not just woman) on earth.

To every woman, a gift from me (that came from Oprah) is this:

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to success"

I'm a big believer of the future and what it holds for us – knowing that what the future holds for everyone of us is great regardless of who, where and how you are.

We have to cut away from our pasts especially our disturbing past, our limiting pasts, our negative background, the negative perception that has been passed down to us from the past, we have to raise our heads above the water so that we don't get drown in it.

No doubt our past is part of us, but we should not allow it to have any definition of who we are and what we want to achieve and if it must define us let it do it for the good. Let us use it as a force to achieve our goals. Cutting away from the past doesn't means we can't remember it or we should go clear up our past memory with some sort of technology or anything else applicable, it means we should not let it keep keeping us in that same cycle of where we are, we should break free and break-forth from it.

A moment in our lives or some moments in our lives shouldn't be made our final destination, we still have many more fruitful and beautiful years and lives ahead of us that we can use to achieve incredible feat, that we can impact lives and our generations and the world beyond our present views. No moment of your life is worth wasting and no moment should be seen as a waste. There is always something to pick out from anywhere you discover yourself.

For me, I always say, this moment, the dark moment is only but fleeting. This is just a fleeting moment in my life. I have overcome it already. I'm only applying the lessons therein.



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