
There great guys and ladies around the globe with some incredible talents and principles and approaches to life and it will be so difficult for one to pick out just one thing from their lives but I want to focus on just one thing that these guys do that appeal to me – just one which I call 1esson - 1 Lesson

Most of what I will be writing may not be the exact words or phrases but I have paraphrased these statements in a way that suit me and my ability to understand and interpret ideas and concepts.

Jocko Willink - Rtd US, Navy SEAL

Excuses are lies. 
Take extreme ownership of you and all that has to do with you. Take absolute responsibility of your life and never blame anyone for anything. Life starts when you start taking responsibility.

Enoch Adeboye - Preacher

Humility is the way to greatness. 
Humility and integrity are great qualities this preacher possesses. With the amount of influence he has, he still sees himself as a man of God. He does not boost of what he has done or what he can do, he is willing and obedience enough to put himself under the authority of God. His calm and gentle nature is beyond human comprehension.

Tom Bilyeu - Co-Founder, Quest Nutrition

Human beings are the ultimate adaptation machines. 
We can do anything that we want – we can evolve and become the kind of person that we want to be if only we are willing to put in the work. If only we allow ourselves to change and evolve.

John Henry - Social Media Influencer

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. 
Take an enormous amount of pride in what you do and do it well – do it with all you’ve gat because the way you do this is the way you’ll do the next. 
The way you do something for free is the way you’ll do it even if you are being paid for it. The way you talk to the “unknown guy” along the street is the way you’ll talk to the person that is supposed to take you from point zero to level hero.

John Maxwell - Leadership Coach

Success in life is intentional and you cannot grow until you change what you do in life on a daily basis.

Bill Clinton - Fmr US President

Be a good listener – do not just hear what people are saying but get into who they are, listen to them carefully as if your life depends on what they are saying. You may have the power of the mic, but allow them to pour their mind out.

Bedros Keuilian - Serial Entrepreneur

If you have the ability to do something bad, you can as well do something good very well too. You just have to learn how to tweak it and focus the energy you have being pouring in the negative direction to something good.

Marcus Aurelius - Philosopher, Roman Emperor

Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.

Albert Einstein - Influencer of the World of Science

We are all unique and we should all appreciate our uniqueness even before the world sees it. …if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

Nelson Mandela - Undisputed World Leader

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. 
Not necessarily going to school but being educated is a weapon. 
Seek to be educated wherever you find yourself – seek growth and improvement.

Viktor Frankl - Holocaust Survivor

Everything and all forms of freedom can be taken away from a man but you can’t take away the way one decides to use his mind. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

Maya Angelou - Poet and Civil Right Activist

Do not allow the negative energy from any source – your friends, family, spouse, folks, etc to influence your life – it shouldn’t come close to your inner being. Drive it out.

Tony Robbins - Life Coach

We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish. It is all about actions – massive amount of actions.

Les Brown - Motivational Speaker

Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. 
Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

Sheryl Sandberg - COO, Facebook

If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on. And I constantly ask myself this: 
What will I do if I wasn’t afraid

Seth Godin - Seth Godin

Our goal is not to touch everyone.
Our goal is to touch just one person and if we are good at that, we can go with 5 persons, then 20, then 100 and progressively like that.

David Goggins - Toughest Man in the World

Self-Talk and Visualization Are The Keys to Fighting Negativity. 
We are writing a book about our lives on a daily basis, stop and read the book you are writing about yourself. We live in an external world. If we can for the rest of our lives, live inside ourselves – we can discover our greatness.

Jay Z – Shawn Corey Carter

All I got is dreams. Nobody else believes. Nobody else can see. Nobody else but me.

Mel Robin - Life Coach

The time is now. Stop hitting the snooze button on your life. Action cures fears.

Gary Verynerchuk - Social Media Influencer

There’s no reason in 2014, to do shit you hate. None! Stop whining and start hustling. Start figuring things out for your life. Nobody grows up knowing how to drive, we figure it out

Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook

Do not wait for the perfect idea and concept before you start. 
Start with what you have and from where you are now. Move fast and break things.

50 Cent – Curtis James Jackson III

Let the street build you up and don’t allow it to put you down. 
To put precisely in the words of 50: 
“Every negative is a positive. The bad things that happen to me, I somehow make them good. That means you can’t do anything to hurt me"

T. Harv Eker - Life Coach

Breaking away from the cycle.
Whether you're running a business or just overwhelmed with the daily grind, it can be hard to find the time and energy to invest in yourself, but until you address the root cause of your problems, you'll never be able to break the cycle of not having enough time and feeling constantly overwhelmed and stressed.

From a Dying Man - Undisclosed

There is no greater joy you have in life than knowing that you have lived a fulfilled life – you have lived a life of impact, a life of love – free from grudges and hatred, a life of touching others at the soul and the core of their beings.


Failure is the way to success. Failure builds and prepares you for the life ahead. Failure teaches you how to better manage success. It teaches you resilience, perseverance, attitude, appreciation, humility, etc. Failure is learning.


No matter what you do – you may think you are going here or there and achieving this or that, but the truth is that you are gradually working to your grave whether you believe it or not. The 24 hours I have now is the only thing I have right now and using it to the utmost is the best way to use.

The truth about life is this, provided you can breath, you still have a shot at life. You can still be what you want to become. Because, if you are alive, you still have the chance to know – you know by learning and if you can learn you still have the opportunity to grow and become that which you really want – you grow by applying what you have learned. And if you can learn, you can change who you are right now to who you want to be. You change by taking actions.


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