
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

The process most times may seem hard but it is worth the person you want to become. The work brings out the best in you. Yes it may be uncomfortable and seemingly hard initially but the rewards of the work far exceeds the temporary hardships that comes with it. Working with children is a privilege. Having an opportunity to talk to and offer advice to a child is golden. The beauty of a butterfly cannot be seen when it a caterpillar - it takes some change process to get a butterfly. That is the way it seems sometimes working with children - don't just see them as caterpillars, but be visionary enough to see the butterflies they will become. Yes, they may be "average student" now based on your own assessment, but don't cut away the fact that they are CEO's of companies, Presidents of Nations, Industry Leaders, Founders of Great Businesses, and Shapers of the World (for good). Yes, it is almost certain that a caterpillar will become a butterfly but no one...

The Next Generation of Leaders - ALAMAU

There is something about young minds that interest me. The depth of their potential and the unlimited possibilities they are capable of. However, these minds most times are not tapped into by their owner. These young ones know how capable they are - but somewhere along the road something happens and the best versions of themselves were not realized. The support and the platform these young minds need are made available by ALAMAU and also they are providing the necessary skills and atmosphere needed for these young minds to develop and attain their fullest potential. African Leadership Academy Model African Union (ALAMAU) is doing something great for these minds. The support and the platform these young minds need are made available by ALAMAU and they are also providing the necessary skills and atmosphere needed for these young minds to develop and attain their fullest potential. ALAMAU is a simulation of the African Union, providing a platform for young leaders ...

The Draining Relationships

People are scared to leave abusive relationship or abusive situation they found themselves. These relationships can be in any form - romantic, career, mere friendships, etc.  These are situations, these are relationships that they know that is abusive, not beneficial to them, holding them back. These relationships are drowning them, exhaustive emotionally, materially, financially, career-wise, investment wise but still they found themselves in those relationships trying to make it work, trying to do this or that believing that things will work out while the other party is just busy enjoying the flow of the relationship. They found themselves doing all they can to make it work - apologising unnecessarily, saying things to make the other party believe in them and their authenticity in the relationship but at the end of the day your 80 percent to make the relationship work is countered by the 80 percent to make the relationship not work provided by the other party. ...