
Showing posts from September, 2019

Earn that Name or Title

Whatever you are or whatever you think you are, if you aren't earning it everyday then you are just lying to yourself If you are being called a teacher and you are not willing to earn it everyday, then you are deceiving yourself and those around you who call you teacher You are father/dad and you don't do what a father/dad is supposed to do, you are just an imposter, you know who you are and definitely you know you aren't a father/dad The work, the effort, the will and the energy - all what you do make you and that's the title you deserve not the one someone else gave you. Your work gives you your title and not the other way round.  Everything in life boils down to work. Taking actions and taking the steps. Having the courage and zeal and willpower to do.


Things will change for us if we allow ourselves to open up to life. I know life has dealt with us in so many a negative way that we are scared of opening up to life even for the things we know we make our lives better. Don't run away because life has dealt with you badly before and you are so unwilling to forgive life and move on. Life does not "care" about you and your forgiveness - it will still hit you again and even hit you harder this time around if you allow it. Forgiveness is meant for you. It is for you to become good and a better person. Whether you forgive life or not, it will always exist and keep doing what it has to do - bless you or hit you hard.  In all of these - the way to grow is to learn. Learn from life and apply what you have learned. It is what you have learned from life that will keep you standing when life hits you hard again.  Don't close up, but learn. Open up and learn whatever it takes to live the kind of life you d...

Where Did I Miss It?

The stage was set for me. The glory of God was upon me - it seems like heaven has shone its light on me. Everything comes with ease. But somehow I refuse to work on me and on my abilities. Thinking I was talented and my talents has brought me this far and will take me further. This was a myth stirring at me. The need for plans, the need for future goals, the need to keep working on one's crafts can't be over emphasized. The world is moving and moving forward at a fast pace - so imagine how easily obsolete someone be that refused to work on himself Did it go wrong with my mindset, my attitude, my reasoning, my exposure, my lack of zeal and passion or because of all of these? Did it go wrong because I taught I was smart and stop doing what made me smart? Did it go wrong because I stop seizing opportunities as I used to? Attitude plays a big role in the scheme of things - how successful you can be or not. Your attitude towards people and li...